'grasping the Pi, part 2: an SD card full of awesome'

I don't really know much about minimalistic window managers: I use GNOME 3 (which is a story of its own), but have tinkered with xmonad (a window manager written in Haskell), so I decided to install in onto the Pi and set up a VNC server to be able to actually see what was going on from my laptop.

xmonad, however, wasn't in the Arch ARM repository and I didn't have any idea of how long compiling it would take. I therefore took the path of least resistance and installed openbox, a famous window manager (sudo pacman -S openbox obmenu obconf + a bunch of X libraries).

Setting up the VNC server was quite straightforward: I used the guide from the Arch wiki to install TightVNC (package name tightvnc).

I also copied a small script from here that would start and stop the VNC server with just one command (I didn't register it as a service -- Arch Linux uses init, a different way of managing services and starting the system, so the script sits in my home directory).

I then started the VNC server and connected to it from my laptop by installing tightvnc on it as well and typing


(the IP address obviously is not constant) which gave me a completely empty screen with a cursor (standard X "desktop").

I obviously forgot to start openbox, which could be easily fixed by adjusting the ~/.vnc/xstartup file:

exec ck-launch-session openbox-session ```

which didn't work since I forgot to install ConsoleKit. After I did, OpenBox launched normally (except for some strange graphical glitches).

I also decided to try out a more awesome window manager (couldn't resist making that joke) called awesome by doing

```sudo pacman -S awesome```

and changing the line in xstart to say exec awesome.


*(more awesome + some moire artifacts)*

I didn't play around more with awesome though (I did think of setting it up on my laptop eventually), since I never planned to connect my Pi to a screen and make it into a traditional computer with a desktop environment and VNCing to it over the network seems like a waste of bandwidth. I moved on to a different goal -- setting up the wireless.